Monday, October 14, 2013

Does your listing have the wow factor?

I don't have to tell you that every buyer or seller can tell you this is the deal maker. You either have it or you don't. Its the view, the surprise feature or look that once you see it you want it and you have to have it. It differs from buyer to buyer. But once you see it you know what that it is. You know you have it when your buyers start placing furniture, assigning rooms for themself and family members, and stop listening. You will often actually here them even say wow! So if you dont have the wow factor ask your self what the one thing your home needs to get a wow form your buyer that works with your budget. It can be as simple as freshing up one room, landscaping, decluttering if you already have a wow factor that is being obstructed by clutter. In a bath it can be a new vanity, a whirlpool tub (one person tubs get used - oversized tubs create water bills). In a kitchen it can be countertops, new cabinets, adding or removing an island, rearranging the cabinets and appliance for a good working triangle, repainting or refacing the cabinets and new hardware. New hardware on doors. Hardwoods that cleam are almost always a hit

Thursday, October 3, 2013

As always: Show me the money is key to any Real Estate or large purchase

Many people ask what is the most important item for buyers prior to making an offer.

Without a doubt its financing. The answer is simple you need to know you can buy and the seller needs to know the sale will close and that you are a real buyer. Sellers and sales agents need to know you are a real buyer for safety reasons also.

Buyers list for financing consideration:
(1) You need to know how you plan to fiannce the purchase and proof of cash portion for the purchase.
(2) You need to know what your maximum purchase price.
(3) You need to know how this costs works with your budget or you need to modify your maximum purchase price to a budget friendly purchase and all related costs.
(4) You need to know the amount you need for a deposit, escrows, closing costs, & reserves.
(5) You need to know if funds need to be moved and how long after they are moved when they will be avialble.
(6) You need to know if you current rental or owned property situation so you don't end up paying for multiple unanticpated expenses or if changes need to be made to insure a transition from one to another location or purchase if this is a primary residence or investment involved in a timely exchange or multiple tranactions. You also need to know if you will penalized if you curently property rental stops or closes before a specific holding period.

Sellers list for buyer qualifications items:
(1) You need to know the buyer can buy your home or large purchase item and that the property for sale is a financable item under for the buyers lender.
(2) You need to know they are a real buyer.
(3) You need to be able to plan on a repurchase or funds reinvestment options if you or the buyer is effected by selling or refinancing other real estate, ccontingencies, or are disontinuing a current lease or tenant at will agreement.
(4) Without a preapproval or proof of funds sellers don't want you wasting anyones time looking, inspectiong, or negotiating offers. You most likely will here Thanks but not thansk to an offer if you cant show you can close at the time of an offer ( if you make it that far).
(5) You can say no if the buyer cannot finance the purchase under the terms acceptable to you. (Buyers never like to here this but its true. If you cant buy you cant buy: case closed.)
(6) If you have unapproved buyers for you sales item make sure you or or agent has a lender resource for the purchaser to visit immediately prior to any negotiations so you don't loose buyers that can [rpve they can buy.

After this, you can then decide on why younare purchasing, where you are purchasing, what (the location & area amenities, property amenities and type of property you want to purchase and amenities), timing of purchase, and options if you cant find a purchase or correct time a purchase and resale.

So start out on the right foot. Get your financning inplaace so you know you can buy before you consider looking.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Sellers or Buyers market depends on the area

Knowing if your in a buyers or sellers market depends on the city or town you are located in at the time you are making a purchase. The amount or lack of inventory has a lot may make the price more or less negotable. If there are a shortage of houses buyers may find themself in a multiple offer situation where financing and terms of the offer matter more to the seller. Larger deposits or shorter closing times with fewer contingencies are more common. On the other hand with a large inventory and fewer offers buyers are more likely to be few to the seller with a better chance of a buyer terms more agreeable to the seller. In a sellers market prices may start edging higher unless sellers receive cash offers. Areas with large amounts of cash buyers may see larger jumps in prices. Areas with financed offers will only edge up slightly becasue appriasal guidelines demand comparable sales for the lenders to finance a loan. You'll know if your in a sellers market when you see few homes for sale in the town(s) or area(s) your looking to become an owner. If there are wtill a lot of foreclosures or short sales in your city or town you may still be in a market in a buyers market in sections or with some neighborhoods in flux even if towns surrounding you are in a sellers market. If you are a ready, willing and able seller or buyer looking to list your property or buy in central MA contact me at

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Reason to look for home or investments without a/c a hot day.

(1) You may be only on looking.
(2) If your the only one looking your the only one bidding or making an offer.
(3) If your the only offer the seller sees to day your the only offer the seller is considering unless its the offrs will not be looked at for several days or notice is needed to get in to the property.

PS: bring plenty of cold liquids in a cooler. Unless the property is cool expect to be dripping wet after entering closed up properties. You can always go to an air condtioned location or car to writ eup an offer afterword. Remember your approval or proof of funds and checkbook on every offer.

Looking out doors. Bring plenty of bug repellent. Where look pants and sleeves to avoid ticks and poison ivy, oak or summac and bug bites.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

How to show the seller your a real buyer.

(1) Get preapproved or approved for a loan. Cash buyers need proof of fiunds in the form of a lender letter or bank statements/investment statement with you full name & address on it. Allfunds or loan data needs to be within 30 days. Remmber you don't need to show your max only what proof that it meets your loans or cash needs for the purchase.
(2) If you need a referral get one from you current lender or Realtor.
(3) Don't look at anything with out knowing what your limits are to buy prior to looking.
(4) Share this information with types of loans or information on if you need to sell or need seller contributions to purchase nwith your realtor to include with your offer.
(5) Sellers that don't see proof of funds to close will in most cases ignore offers until this is provided. So don't miss the home you want by trying to get this done after you find a home or someone else will be buying your dream home if 2 offers come in & the other has support to buy & your offer doesn;t have this.
(6) Remove as many contingencies as possible.

Beat the heat suggestion

Here's a few suggestions on how to beat the heat.

(1) Add to, turn on or, or consider buying homes with indoor air conditoning of all kinds: full system with duct work, window or wall units either portable or built in, fans of all types (whole house, desk top or floor).
(2) Pools either public or private. Kid pools, wadinpools, lap pools. Skip the hot tubs today.
(3) Beaches at ponds, lakes or oceans.
(4) Cold or cool showers or baths, sprinklers or hoses inside or out.
(5) Cooling towels or wet towels.
(6) Ice, ice water, cool drinks.
(7) White clothing reflects the heat away. Dark colors absorb the heat.

Buying with your senses.

We all do it.

(1) Sight: Curb appeal & first impressions count.
(2) Hearing: Noise or traffic detract buyers that want a tranquil location to relax and enjoy.
(3) Smell: Plesant smells or not so pleasant smells effect buyers. Consider allergies when using fragances that are friendly to all such as bakery scents. Don't forget to use non flammable scents to avoid an inadvertant bump or wind (avoid candles).
(4) Fell: You want to make your buyer feel welcome and comfortable. Avoid making them step over, around, or under obsticles and pets( or their supplies), Uncomfortable buyers don't buy and may even spread the word not your house is to be over looked. Clean and clutter free in photos as well as at showings is part of how a buyer feels. Touching surfaces as small as a door knob can say "I'm clean" or " I need work and cleaning" to a buyer. I'm clean is good. I need work or cleaning means missed potential sales, buyers buypassing your listing, or buyers not making offers or lower offers.
(5) Taste: Every buyer has 2 types of taste. One is personal preference. The either like your style or they don't. Some buyers are visual they can only see what is in front of them. Others are conseptual they can see what is beyond what is there. Its import to prepare buyers for homes hta need a conceptual buyer if your home need work prior to a showing; this way buyers are open to the properties potenail and not "shell shocked" with unexpected repairs and walk away feeling flat. The seond type of taste is in your mouth. Buyer never should feel like they are eating anything unless its positive. Example the smell of apples and cinnamon or chocolate mint makes them want to bake in their potential next kitchen.
(6)The sixth sense is emotion or comfort level. Strange noises like sqeaking doors that need oil need to be oiled. Dark rooms need to be filled with light. Dark walls need to be made brighter with paint &/or light. Clutter and extra furniture, clothing, and trash need to be completely removed from your property now befor the first showing, listing, or sign goes up.

Sellers check that all your senses have a positive feel for a potential buyer prior to your house going up for sale. Bring in a fresh pair of eyes that will help you tweak your home to its best showing potential.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

MA Housing's “Get The Lead Out” Loan Program Expanded

I just got this on the expanded program. Evereryone that has units with children under 6 in them without a certificate needs to take advantage of this.

MassHousing announced a major change in the “Get the Lead Out” lead paint removal loan program that will now allow all qualified households with children under age six to obtain zero-percent financing to remove lead paint regardless of whether the child is lead poisoned or in case management. Before the program change, zero-percent, deferred financing was only available to households where a child was lead poisoned or in case management the Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (CLPPP). For more information about the Get the Lead Out program, including income limits, loan limits and how to apply, clidk the words to the right for details:

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Ask for an offer at the end of every showing

This is the number one mistake agents forget to do during or at the end of every showing. Your preapproval letter should indicate who all the buyers are but its good to check if all "buyers with a say" in the purchase process are available. Sometimes a parent or gifter of purchase funds needs to give the ok to every purchase. It's good to know this prior to the first showing but sometimes the buyer keeps silent on this until you suggest writing up the offer. This can always be written in as a contingency but if multiple offers come in this may loss the property for a buyer. If you do need to put this in as a contingency you can always remove it as soon the step is comepleted. You will want to do this swiftly to avoid unnecessary delays in negotiation or inspection costs that should be delayed until after this party a has given thumbs up to the purchase.

I still remember one inspection I attended as a selling agent, that the parents or a buyer hired the home inspection for their children to kill ever purchase they were purchasing. During the inspection I over heard the buyers parents say to the inspector prior to the inspection thanks for killing the prior sale now kill this one so the kids buy the house down the street from us. Check to make sure the date of the rpeapproval is current. The other agent should have known this after the prior offer but never asked. I pulled her quickly to the side an asked her to check with teh buyers if the inspection was over before it was over for this and any other house except the one the parents where only giving a gift too the buyers if it was down the street from their home. What an unnecessary waste of time for all parties.

If during the showing the buyer indicates they are interested it ok to ask if this is a house they want to put an offer in on or think they have interest in putting an offer in on. Make sure you know all contingencies to a purchase.

Proof a buyer is a buyer

Buyers should have their depsoit check with available funds in bank in bank prior to evey showing.
If the buyer can't complete the offer process at the time of the showing with a pre-approval letter or proof of funds in the form of a copy of funds or a letter from their bank/lender varifiying funds and write a deposit then they aren't a buyer. Don't waste time and others time showing properies, making and negotiating offers with any one that isn't willing or able to provide this information.

If your a real buyer, be prepared to make an offer at the time of every showings. Delays in making offers are lost opportunites to buy or sell. Remember, even if 2 properties look alike they do not can can not occupy the same location and space. Even on unit or lot down may make or break a sale.

Why buy in the Winter months

When its cold or rainy outside people "hibernate" just like bears.
If you are in a area with poor weather don't miss a great opportunity to be one of the only buyers looking and making an offer.

Why should you look now in two words: Less competion.
(1) You may be the only buyer the sellers seeing today, this week, or maybe in a long time.
(2) Make an offer. You probably will be the only offer in front of the seller today.
(3) Look at homes on the market that aren't moving, just back on the market, and any home you are the only buyer looking at today at that the seller will see an offer from.
(4) Encourage the seller to accept your offer with a cover letter explaining why you "love" the home your looking at if they are a long term owner. If they love this house they want to sell to someone that will continue to love their home.
(5) Don't insult the seller, even if it needs repairs/renovations at the time of the offer remind the seller you are making an offer because the house fits your current needs or you wouldn't be making an offer.

Don't be a bear. Get out look and make an offer today.

One exception: Only look when its safe to walk to from properties and when your cars safely can be parked withut being towed if a parking ban is in place.

Step one purchasing property/a home

The most important thing a lender can do is supply a buyer and their agent a pre-approval letter or letters prior to looking at properties that clearly indicates what type of mortgage a buyer is able to do both that includes estimated closing costs for the buyers max purchase or lower to work with the buyer is ready, willng and able to buy. In all cases, if the buyer, similar to the seller, is not ready willing and able to buy prior to any showings, or offers everyone in the transaction process is waisting valuable time looking at something the buyer can and will be able to close on. Lenders and Realtors should have a sign off sheet for this information to be exchanged if necessary as most offers will not even be looked at with out written documentation of the ability of buyer financing or proof of funds. Agents should also do this as proof the buyer is a buyer capable of buying all properties they are shown for the safety, security, and to save waisted time and expenses working with buyers that can realistically place an offer and buy at the end of each house they are shown.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Don't block your first impression AKA no "PODS" please)

You only get one first impression.

You may not get another "view" if that first impression isn't a homerun.

Check your first impression on every viewing or prevewing of your property;

Correct as many negatives as you see prior to actually putting your home for sale.

Make sure the property shows as clean, clutter free, and is clearly marketed.

If a buyer can't find your home they will not buy it.

If somethings blocking your home from their view they can't see whats on the other it.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Less is more

When your selling a home. Less is always creates the illusion of more space. The more that is in a room to walk aroundthe less the buyer feels that they are buying. Get rid of these space stealers that make you climb, block your way, need to be moved or showed be stored off the property thats for sale. Elimate these extra items to allow easy flow, walkways, and more "space" so buyers can see the entire property clearly. Try this your self on any room in your home.

Ex: Just remove your coffee table from your living room and your ability to have more people walk freely without bumping into each other will grow drastically.