Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Buying with your senses.

We all do it.

(1) Sight: Curb appeal & first impressions count.
(2) Hearing: Noise or traffic detract buyers that want a tranquil location to relax and enjoy.
(3) Smell: Plesant smells or not so pleasant smells effect buyers. Consider allergies when using fragances that are friendly to all such as bakery scents. Don't forget to use non flammable scents to avoid an inadvertant bump or wind (avoid candles).
(4) Fell: You want to make your buyer feel welcome and comfortable. Avoid making them step over, around, or under obsticles and pets( or their supplies), Uncomfortable buyers don't buy and may even spread the word not your house is to be over looked. Clean and clutter free in photos as well as at showings is part of how a buyer feels. Touching surfaces as small as a door knob can say "I'm clean" or " I need work and cleaning" to a buyer. I'm clean is good. I need work or cleaning means missed potential sales, buyers buypassing your listing, or buyers not making offers or lower offers.
(5) Taste: Every buyer has 2 types of taste. One is personal preference. The either like your style or they don't. Some buyers are visual they can only see what is in front of them. Others are conseptual they can see what is beyond what is there. Its import to prepare buyers for homes hta need a conceptual buyer if your home need work prior to a showing; this way buyers are open to the properties potenail and not "shell shocked" with unexpected repairs and walk away feeling flat. The seond type of taste is in your mouth. Buyer never should feel like they are eating anything unless its positive. Example the smell of apples and cinnamon or chocolate mint makes them want to bake in their potential next kitchen.
(6)The sixth sense is emotion or comfort level. Strange noises like sqeaking doors that need oil need to be oiled. Dark rooms need to be filled with light. Dark walls need to be made brighter with paint &/or light. Clutter and extra furniture, clothing, and trash need to be completely removed from your property now befor the first showing, listing, or sign goes up.

Sellers check that all your senses have a positive feel for a potential buyer prior to your house going up for sale. Bring in a fresh pair of eyes that will help you tweak your home to its best showing potential.

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