Thursday, February 14, 2013

Step one purchasing property/a home

The most important thing a lender can do is supply a buyer and their agent a pre-approval letter or letters prior to looking at properties that clearly indicates what type of mortgage a buyer is able to do both that includes estimated closing costs for the buyers max purchase or lower to work with the buyer is ready, willng and able to buy. In all cases, if the buyer, similar to the seller, is not ready willing and able to buy prior to any showings, or offers everyone in the transaction process is waisting valuable time looking at something the buyer can and will be able to close on. Lenders and Realtors should have a sign off sheet for this information to be exchanged if necessary as most offers will not even be looked at with out written documentation of the ability of buyer financing or proof of funds. Agents should also do this as proof the buyer is a buyer capable of buying all properties they are shown for the safety, security, and to save waisted time and expenses working with buyers that can realistically place an offer and buy at the end of each house they are shown.

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