Friday, May 6, 2011

The family room maybe the hardest room to keep staged and showing ready.

Since the family room is the place people relax and gather it tends to collect the most clutter.  To eliminate clutter consider minimizing the number of surfaces that collect clutter,

Consider floor lamps and wall or ceiling fixture use .  Try to eliminate end table and coffee tables that encourage people to drop and clutter up the room with books, newspapers, magazines, food & beverage containers.  Coffee & end tables also take up more space making a room look smaller.    If you need storage consider a bench or window type seating that is dual purpose for clutter storage as well as seating. 

If you have both a living room & a family room consider using only one during the time your home is for sale to make it only the one room that needs to be picked up at the end of the day or at the time of a showing.


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