Monday, October 14, 2013

Does your listing have the wow factor?

I don't have to tell you that every buyer or seller can tell you this is the deal maker. You either have it or you don't. Its the view, the surprise feature or look that once you see it you want it and you have to have it. It differs from buyer to buyer. But once you see it you know what that it is. You know you have it when your buyers start placing furniture, assigning rooms for themself and family members, and stop listening. You will often actually here them even say wow! So if you dont have the wow factor ask your self what the one thing your home needs to get a wow form your buyer that works with your budget. It can be as simple as freshing up one room, landscaping, decluttering if you already have a wow factor that is being obstructed by clutter. In a bath it can be a new vanity, a whirlpool tub (one person tubs get used - oversized tubs create water bills). In a kitchen it can be countertops, new cabinets, adding or removing an island, rearranging the cabinets and appliance for a good working triangle, repainting or refacing the cabinets and new hardware. New hardware on doors. Hardwoods that cleam are almost always a hit

Thursday, October 3, 2013

As always: Show me the money is key to any Real Estate or large purchase

Many people ask what is the most important item for buyers prior to making an offer.

Without a doubt its financing. The answer is simple you need to know you can buy and the seller needs to know the sale will close and that you are a real buyer. Sellers and sales agents need to know you are a real buyer for safety reasons also.

Buyers list for financing consideration:
(1) You need to know how you plan to fiannce the purchase and proof of cash portion for the purchase.
(2) You need to know what your maximum purchase price.
(3) You need to know how this costs works with your budget or you need to modify your maximum purchase price to a budget friendly purchase and all related costs.
(4) You need to know the amount you need for a deposit, escrows, closing costs, & reserves.
(5) You need to know if funds need to be moved and how long after they are moved when they will be avialble.
(6) You need to know if you current rental or owned property situation so you don't end up paying for multiple unanticpated expenses or if changes need to be made to insure a transition from one to another location or purchase if this is a primary residence or investment involved in a timely exchange or multiple tranactions. You also need to know if you will penalized if you curently property rental stops or closes before a specific holding period.

Sellers list for buyer qualifications items:
(1) You need to know the buyer can buy your home or large purchase item and that the property for sale is a financable item under for the buyers lender.
(2) You need to know they are a real buyer.
(3) You need to be able to plan on a repurchase or funds reinvestment options if you or the buyer is effected by selling or refinancing other real estate, ccontingencies, or are disontinuing a current lease or tenant at will agreement.
(4) Without a preapproval or proof of funds sellers don't want you wasting anyones time looking, inspectiong, or negotiating offers. You most likely will here Thanks but not thansk to an offer if you cant show you can close at the time of an offer ( if you make it that far).
(5) You can say no if the buyer cannot finance the purchase under the terms acceptable to you. (Buyers never like to here this but its true. If you cant buy you cant buy: case closed.)
(6) If you have unapproved buyers for you sales item make sure you or or agent has a lender resource for the purchaser to visit immediately prior to any negotiations so you don't loose buyers that can [rpve they can buy.

After this, you can then decide on why younare purchasing, where you are purchasing, what (the location & area amenities, property amenities and type of property you want to purchase and amenities), timing of purchase, and options if you cant find a purchase or correct time a purchase and resale.

So start out on the right foot. Get your financning inplaace so you know you can buy before you consider looking.