Friday, October 12, 2012

Don't test drive without a license.

You wouldn't get behind the wheel of a car with out a license. Don't buy a house without a few basis steps. Sellers: (1) Clean, remove all clutter and personal reminders of you and your family (as much as possible)completely from the entire property, and neutalize all colors so any buyer can see their pocessions in your home as their new home. (2)Repair anything that is broken in a professional manner. (3)Market & Price your property correctly. You can't get emotional on a low ball offer or be insulted. Consider hiring a professional Realtor not just a real estate agent. Realtors need to adhere to a code of ethics. (4) Be prepared to negotiate. Buyers: (1) Get pre approved, aprroved, or even get a letter of commitment subject to finding a property and it appraising. The further you are in the process the more seriously the seller will take you as a buyer. Cash buyers need proof of funds. (2) Update your docuemnts regualarly with your lender so you can close quickly. (3) Get a Realtor that is a buyers agent to represent your interest. (4) Be prepared to negotiate on all offers.

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