Saturday, February 22, 2014

Buyer feedback: a power full tool for sellers.

Buyer and agent feedback can be a powerful tool for a seller if they look at it as a way to correct objections of that have found items they can improve or correct to make their home sell faster. Remember the feedback isn't to critize you; it to help you correct what you can correct to get your home sold faster. Please remember that people have didfferent opinions and points of view. If you get feedback with specific items that are of small dollar value don't complain about them, ask yourself can I correct this and turn the feedback around to help me get my home sold. If someone trips on something and it can be moved to a location out of the way or off the property then move it. Don't say the buyer should be able to see that and leave it there for someone else to fall over. Just be glad no one got hurt that fell or almost feel and the "critism" is to help you not to hurt you or to keep others from being hurt if the item is a safety issue. So look around and see that there are no tripping hazards, no loose hand rails or items in the walkway that someone could fall over or get caught on or in.

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