Friday, November 2, 2012

Moving to a new area: Hire a Realtor

Need to move to a new area due to job transfer, storm damage, or just looking to relocate for a change. Your current group of connections or past Realtor resources is an excellent place to find a qualifed Realtor that can help you find your new home. Look for someone that has experience in the area your moving to that has the time to properly service you with listing before the move, and the time to adequately show you listings on your time schedule.

To get started previewing listing for sale in Worcester or Central Ma today go to You can also sign up at that web address for daily listing to be emailed to you.

Storm damage alert: Check Contractor licenses and references

Whether your doing general repairs, repairs to improve your property prior to a sale, preparing to upgrade, or doing storm damage repairs check references and the length of time your potential contractor has been in business. If someone is constantly changing business names that maybe a sign that they are tryig to not be located by past clients. Its also a good idea to see if you can get these references from someone you know yourself or in the are and ask how they found the contractor or what references they saw or if the follow up repairs, warranties, or guantees held up to what was offered. All reputable contractors have licenses. All reputable contractors will give you a written contract with there address and phone number on the contract. 1/3 of the contract is the normal deposit to cover materials. The more specific the contract the more likely you will get the results desired.

After a storm its tempting to take the first person that comes along and hire them. But if there are no references, contracts, you really want to take the risk of loosing your deposit? A temporary repair by a reputable contract may be a better solution than to pay for less than what you expect.

Looking for real estate to purchase in Worcester or central MA. Contact me at or visit my webpage at