Monday, August 15, 2011

Why should I consider a rehab

(1) I'm going to remodel any way.
(2) The propoerty has good "bones".
(3) Location, location, location.
(4) I'm handy or have a contractor that will renovate to my needs.
(5) This works in my price range. 
(6) The works for all of the above reason.

Need a great rehab propoerty? Contact me. You will need to be preapproved for a rehab loan with a trusted lenders or have a proof of funds letter. Either should be in hand to me at or before the time of appointment with a contact person at the lender to verify the authenticity of the lender document prior to any appointment. This is for (1) safety, (2) to make sure you can buy what you are saying you want to buy, & (3) so you will understand what portion of the unrenovated property you will need funds to purchase prior to looking at even one property.